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8th APR 2015
SCABLE’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Trenergy Infrastructure Sdn Bhd (TISB) received a Letter of Award from Tenaga Nasional Berhad, on its Tender for the Establishment of 275KV AIS Tanjung Langsat Industrial Estate Switching Station, Johor. TISB tendered for project whilst in Joint Venture with PTIS Engineering Sdn. Bhd.

1st JAN 2015
SCBALE Group surges as the largest cable manufacturer in South East Asia and also the pioneer & sole producer of 275kV underground cables in Malaysia

31st DEC 2014
SCABLE completed its acquisition of 100% equity interest in Universal Cable (M) Berhad (UCMB) and Leader Cable Industry Berhad (LCIB), two long established and sizable cable manufacturing companies based in Peninsular Malaysia. The acquisition of the aforementioned has made SCABLE the leading cable manufacturer in Malaysia.

4th DEC 2014
SCABLE’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Trenergy Infrastructure Sdn Bhd (TISB) received a Letter of Award from Pengerang Power Sdn Bhd (PPSB), a subsidiary of Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS) on its Tender for the Proposed Contract for Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (“EPCC”) for the Development of Pengerang 275kV Overhead Transmission Line from Pengerang Cogeneration Plant (“PCP”) to Peninsular Malaysia Grid and 275kV/132kV Pengerang Substation, with total contract value of RM275 million.

9th OCT 2014
SCABLE received a Letter of Award from Shanghai Electric Group Co. Ltd. (SEC), the main contractor of 2 x 300MW Balingian Coal-Fired Power Plant For Power Island Engineering, Procurement & Construction Works, for the local portion of works and supply with a total contract value of RM493 million.

23rd OCT 2013
SCABLE’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Trenergy Infrastructue Sdn Bhd (TISB) received a Letter of Award from Sarawak Energy Berhad issued to Sinohydro-Trenergy Joint Venture the Mapai to Lachau 500Kv Transmission Line Project in Sarawak (“Package B”) and the Lachau to Tondong 500kV Transmission Line Project (“Package C”) in Sarawak, with combined total contract value of RM618 million, comprising the majority portion of the very first 500kV Transmission Line to be implemented in Sarawak.

22nd OCT 2013
Sales & Purchase Agreement was executed for SCABLE to further increase its equity interest in PT. Inpola Mitra Elektrindo (IME) to 78.33%

16th AUG 2013
CABLE incorporated Aerial Power Lines Sdn Bhd (APL) as its wholly owned subsidiary, operating as an aviation services company targeting the major power utility companies in the region for transmission lines inspection & maintenance service contracts. APL is the only company in Malaysia licensed by MOT/DCA for aerial power lines operations.

3rd AUG 2012
SCABLE acquired 100% equity interest of Trenergy Infrastructure Sdn Bhd (TISB), a Peninsular Malaysia-based company specializing in the design, engineering, construction and installation of power transmission lines. At the same time, SCABLE also acquired the remaining 25% equity interest in Sarwaja Timur Sdn Bhd (STSB), making it wholly owned subsidiary.

22nd SEP 2011
Conditional Shares Sale and Purchase Agreement was executed to acquire 65% equity interest in PT. Inpola Mitra Elektrindo (IME), a limited liability company established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia who is also the holder of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a readily approved mini-hydro power plant project located at North Sumatera

3rd JAN 2011
SCABLE successfully acquired 75% equity interest in Sarwaja Timur Sdn Bhd (STSB), an established steel fabricator and galvanizer in Sarawak.

25th MAY 2010
SCABLE was officially listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia
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